Girl Online

Last week, a good friend of mine from uni bought me 'Girl Online' (YouTuber and Blogger Zoe Sugg's first book) for an early Christmas gift. Despite my crazy busy life, I've managed to get a few chapters in since and my gosh it's amazing! I'm usually down for a much darker book with much darker characters (so dramas), but in this case the characters and story a bit light hearted with less problems but they're seemingly much more human. If I were say in high school still this book would've got me through my senior year. Even though I'm older now, I still find it relatable because I've had such similar experiences. To be honest, I think all girls could relate. So far anyways. As I read the book I'll keep you all updated on my thoughts and what not. Until then, if you're reading the book let me know what you think in the comments. I'd love to hear!

Image via by Luke MacGregor-Reuters


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