Kylie Jenner Lips Tutorial | Samantha Jo x

I've spent what seems like eternity trying to perfect my version of the Kylie Jenner lip and I think I finally got it. Thought I'd share my secrets with you in a little video that I hope you will all enjoy. Small disclaimer, I'm no makeup artist so please take that into consideration while watching. Hope you all enjoy the video and let me know what you think. I absolutely love Kylie Jenner and her look. I don't do it any justice, but a girl can try can't she?

The Pisces

A Pisces is the 12th astrological sign in the zodiac. They are the dreamers. Imaginative and passionate by nature. Their creativity shines in everything they do. Pisces are kind and compassionate. Always willing to help others and have the ability to feel as others do. They are intuitive; able to rely on pure intuition and self reasoning. Pisces is the sign of mysticism, mystery and the spiritual unknown. Yet they have an understanding of all that is their being and all that surrounds them. However, the water sign is very sensitive and emotional. This can also lead them to be pessimistic and weak-willed. This could never stop the Pisces for long. Despite their sensitivity, they manage to overcome their obstacle. Once the dream is in sight the Pisces will never stop. Even if the dream is so unattainable and far-fetched (which it usually is), they will continue to prosper and live free in their world and do whatever makes them happy. If they can dream it, they can achieve it. 

If you couldn't guess by now, I am a Pisces. Though I agree with all of the above and of course believe in all the hype that are the zodiacs, I feel that nothing is more true to me than being a Pisces. I am the embodiment of a Pisces. It's the only thing that could explain or give me a better understanding of why i am the way I am and why I reason the way I do. Having an understanding of my zodiac helps me better understand myself and encourages me to live on the way I do with my antics.

That being said, yesterday (February 20) was my birthday and I must say I had a lovely day. Though it didn't completely go as planned, I still enjoyed myself and being with my friends and celebrating me. Sometimes it's really great just being able to celebrate your own being and life and accomplishments and health (I could go on but I won't), which is why it's so lovely that we only get one day a year to do that. It just makes it all more special.

I feel like I will do a haul of my birthday gifts (I got some amazing things!), perhaps tomorrow. For now I just wanted to share a little about me and my beliefs and why this all means so much to me. I figured it being my birthday and all was a good time for that. 

If you have any thing to add about being a Pisces or want to discuss the zodiacs more leave me a comment please. I love chatting about it!

Fun Fact: I share a birthday with Kurt Cobain and Rihanna.

--Samantha Jo xo

I'm Only A Tad Obsessed I Swear...

Okay so as you know over the weekend I saw '50 Shades of Grey'. Though I wasn't the hugest fan of the movie cinematically, the soundtrack (and Christian Grey) was on FIRE! I haven't done a music post in a while so I figured I would dedicate this one to Ellie Goulding's 'Love Me Like You Do' as it has been on repeat all night and I'm pretty sure my neighbors are sick of hearing it. 

I'm not sure what it is about this song because at first I wasn't a fan. After a little while that chorus really struck me. It's very powerful and hits me straight in the heart. It's a very romantic song and I can't help but be filled with so much emotion just listening to it. Once I saw '50 Shades' it brought a whole new meaning to the song that is indescribable. There is this sense of adventure about it. The type of adventure you experience while in love. I don't know maybe I'm being dramatic, maybe I just love the song. It really strikes me a certain way, though, and I couldn't be more obsessed. Haven't felt this way in a while over a song. Definitely my favorite Goulding song to date.

I'm curious to know what you all think of the song. If you like it or hate it whatever tell me I'm interested to know. Also if you saw '50 Shades', let me know what you thought of that as well!

--Samantha Jo xo

Infinity Dreams Award

I honestly could not be more honored to have been nominated for the Infinity Dreams Award. This is my first blogger award and it's so awesome! So thank you to Lily of Lilypad for nominating me, you are a doll!

The rules are:
1. Thank and follow the blog that has nominated you.
2. tell us 11 facts about you.
3. Answer the questions that were set up for you.
4. Nominate 11 bloggers and make your questions for them.

11 Facts About Me

1. I am a Broadcast major and though right now I'm very into radio, I want to end up in television, perhaps hosting a show.
2. I've interned for New York's Classic Rock station Q1043 (iHeartMedia) in Manhattan and just received word that I will be interning for 106.1 WBLI on Long Island this summer.
3. I'm overly obsessed with the fact that I am a Pisces.
4. When I find something interesting, I tend to obsess over it, even for a short amount of time.
5.  My parents currently live in Florida and I live in NY so I'm sort of in house limbo.
6. I've been dating my boyfriend for nearly one year and I love him to pieces.
7. I used to be a figure skater and cheerleader and wish I was still capable of being an ice skater (I'm too busy).
8. Breakfast is my favorite meal of the day, though I really enjoy Chinese or Italian food for dinner.
9. I love the arts (reading, writing, filming, music,etc)
10. I NEED to go to London. No questions asked.
11. Ideally I wish I was a fashion model but, I am fine being super short and dressing for fashion and my body type.

My Questions

1. Whats your favorite make-up brand? 
My favorite make-up brand has to be Urban Decay. I use my Naked 2 palette everyday.

2. Who is your favorite blogger?
My favorite blogger(s) are Zoe Sugg and Tanya Burr. Zoe inspired me to blog in the first place.

3. The best book you've ever had?
The Best book I've ever had was Peter Pan. I'm only mildly obsessed with the sense of adventure that book brings. 

4. What did you want to be when you were younger?
When I was younger, I wanted to be a fashion designer. Though that ship has long set sail, I'm still in love with fashion and prefer to style myself.

5. Favorite song?
That would be nearly impossible for me to choose. As of now I enjoy listening to The Weeknd- Earned It.

6. Why did you start blogging?
As mentioned before I started as I was inspired by Zoe Sugg, though I found it as an outlet for me and my creative writing mind. I felt it was suiting for everything I enjoy doing.

7. Would you rather have a bad hair cut, or a bad hair color?
Bad hair cut. Hair grows back, color takes forever to get out.

8. Goals for 2015?
Get fit. Pursue my dreams further.

9. If you could live anywhere in the world where would it be?
Wherever feels most like home. As much as I would love to live in England or even in Florida with my parents, New York as of now feels like home because thats what it is, it's my home. 

10. Favorite high street shop?
Top Shop. Is that too basic of an answer?

11. Favorite artist? 
Again I really can't answer this properly. There is so much talent out there that I am absolutely loving I would be here for hours. My interests lie everywhere really. Horrible answer, sorry.

I Nominate

Questions To Answer

1. Favorite type of blog post?
2. What is one of your favorite childhood memories?
3. What are your dreams and ambitions?
4. Favorite travel destination?
5. How would you describe your style?
6.What inspires you?
7. The last song you played?
8. If you could eat one food for the rest of your life what would it be?
9. How would your friends describe you in three words?
10. Favorite brands?
11. What are 5 things you absolutely love about yourself?

I hope you enjoyed this type of post, it was my first time doing something like that and I was very honored to do so. I had so much fun and I hope my nominees will too!

If you complete the tag, let me know I would love to view what you all wrote!

-- Samantha Jo xo

Flowers, Heart-Shaped Donuts and Erotic Sex: Valentine's Day

Now, don't be alarmed by the last part of that title. There's a good reason it's there and I'll get into it in a second. I just wast to start off with how lovely my Valentine's Day was. It was mine and Peter's first V-Day together and though it wasn't out of this world romantic like in movies it was perfect for us. He did the usual; showing up with flowers and chocolates and I had given him a multitude of tiny gifts, as he was paying for the whole night. This multitude included M&M's (his favorite), a pair of underwear (as a "joke" gift) and a little lion with candy as I like to refer to Peter as my little Leo. Okay now that all the gushy stuff is through, let's get into the night

We started off by going to this Italian restaurant called Rivera in Glen Cove. We've never been or heard of the place but, it was recommended by a friend so we figured why not. Guys, this might have been the best Italian food I've ever had, ever! I had the handmade linguine with shrimp in pink sauce and Peter had the chicken parm and oh my god I couldn't even begin to tell you how amazing it was. My mouth is watering at the thought. Needless to say that could've been my favorite part of the entire night; too bad it's not over yet.

So the erotic sex. Can't say I was the one on the giving or receiving end of that one. But Anastasia Steele and Christian Grey were. Yeah, we saw Fifty Shades of Grey, and oh honey... it was something else. First of all (I won't give anything away), horrible acting. Secondly, I laughed the entire time. I couldn't help but think I was watching a Twilight fan-fiction..oh wait.. Thirdly, the ending was horrible. I was so mad that I just laughed all the way to the car 'cause I had no other way of expressing my anger at that point. With all this in mind, I still found that I was a bit, turned on? Yes that was Hollywood doing me a solid by casting Jamie Dornan, yet I found his character a bit creepy. He was worse than Edward from Twilight. Dakota Johnson played the "sub role" pretty well I guess. Not that I know much about BDSM or the book as I've never read it but, I could see how she could've easily been suckered in by Mr. Grey. She was way too smart though. I can't really go on much without giving detail away but, despite the horrid acting and dramatics and erotic sex plus the terrible ending (damn there's a lot wrong), I'm highly obsessed with this movie. I just want to sit here and analyze the crap out of it. On that note, I move on to the last part of the night.

We ended up going back to school where I have been residing. There I told Peter I had a surprise for him. I told him to turn around and close his eyes. After seeing the movie, he was expecting something a bit different than I had planned. When he turned around he was saddened and pleased to find that I had bought him six heart shaped donuts from Dunkin', all of which were his favorite. I specifically bought him three Boston Cremes 'cause those are his ultimate faves. I figured he didn't have to be the one to pull out all the stops tonight. Though I hardly paid for anything, and I'm grateful he did, it was our Valentine's Day, not just mine. Besides it's not like I went the extra mile or anything, I just bought him his favorites 'cause basically there was a sale on chocolates. No JK it's 'cause I love him.

So yes, I believe I can say that our Valentine's Day was a success. I had such a great time. Peter and I haven't done something like that in a while and I couldn't have been happier to be spending my whole day with him and just doing everything we love. Even if it means stuffing ourselves with pounds of Italian food until we felt dead and watching a shitty sex movie. How was everyone else's V-Day? Do anything interesting and less cliche than me?

-- Samantha Jo xo

It's February!

Okay so, it's been February for like five days now but, I figured better late than never! I apologize for not posting a video in probably over a month now and on top of that hardly blogging since the semester started. I have filmed since the semester started but it hasn't been anything I'm super proud of yet. When I first started making videos I just posted my videos just to have something out. Now that I'm back at school, I feel a new motivation to create to the best of my ability and I don't want to post anything that I'm not necessarily proud of. The ideas are there, it's just all about the execution. My weekend is going to be pretty jam packed again but, I am hoping to get a video up ASAP rocky!

In other news, the blog is up for my radio show Total Access that I do at the LIU Post campus radio station MyWCWP. I would love if you could give it a look and give the show a listen! Total Access is MyWCWP's Top 40 show and as I'm now in charge of the show entirely, I'm looking to make the program bigger and better than ever. I'm planning tons of events and I'm trying something new with the Total Access Top 5 @ 5. So if you are in the area and want to win free stuff or want to listen to new music then please check it out. I will link the blog and where you can listen to the show below.

Hope everyone is doing well! Before I go, I also just want to make mention that February is the best month of the year. At least for me. Not only is it the month of the amethyst and the Pisces but, there's some pretty cool dates in there too. Valentines day is going to be interesting for me this year as I finally get to spend it with someone. I'm not usually big on the holiday whether I'm single or taken but, Peter says he has plans so I'm kind of just excited for the surprise. February 20 is my birthday so I will be priding myself all day on being a Pisces while convincing everyone how they are the greatest of the zodiac signs. I also plan on eating a lot of food and cake. Lots and lots of cake. And macarons. Finally, February 28 is my baby brother, Derek's birthday. Derek is the most precious human being in my life and I treat his birthday as if it were my own so yes, you can expect a Derek appreciation post that day. On that note I'm about to go call my parents and Derek. Hope to give you more interesting blog posts and videos in the extremely near future because its killing me that I haven't! ----> Listen to Total Access live every Wednesday and Friday from 4-6 PM EST

Total Access Blog ----> Check out for all the latest in entertainment, find out about our personalities,                    and find out about our events and giveaways!

- Samantha Jo xo
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