Kiss My Cake

On my last night home before moving into my dorm, I decided to go on a mini adventure to Huntington Village on Long Island with my good friend Flo. We headed over to one of my favorite little treat shoppes, Kiss My Cake, and was reminded of all the reasons why I'm so in love with macarons. 

Kiss My Cake is this cute little Parisian style cafe that serves tea & coffee, cupcakes, gelato, and of course French Macarons. I think it's the perfect alternative to the Starbucks down the road as it offers a more affordable and experience friendly environment. I think Flo and I sat there a total of one hour and downed three macarons each and a lovely cup of Vanilla Dulce tea. Kiss My Cake is just one of the many hidden treasures of Huntington Village that makes me absolutely love the Island. Not only are the treats amazing but, it's got this European café vibe to it that almost transports you to the continent itself. Don't get me wrong there is no forgetting that you are in NY thanks to the hustle and bustle of traffic outside and the loud unfiltered voices of the customers but, for a moment you can really appreciate another culture thanks to the amazing French decor and delicacies in the shoppe. 

I had my very first macaron at Kiss My Cake last year, and my last before heading off to school was just as delicious. So fluffy and airy, sweet but not too sweet, and filled with the most perfect blended buttercream filling; my mouth is watering at the thought. The Vanilla Dulce tea was just as good and a perfect pairing with macarons as it offers a subtly sweet flavor. 

I'm going to miss my favorite little treat shoppe over the semester. Lucky for me it's only a short 45 minute drive away, it's just about finding the time to go as I'm taking 21 credits this semester plus work and radio but we shall see. If you make your way over to Kiss My Cake any time soon I recommend 100% the pistachio macaron as it is my favorite!

What is your favorite dessert and does anyone else have this sick obsession with macarons as I do? 

-- Samantha Jo xo

Life Update

I first off want to apologize for not posting for almost a week now. A lot has been going on so I thought I would update you all as to what's been happening in my life!

1. I'm Moving

As of Sunday I will no longer live at home. My parents and brother Derek are moving to Florida and I will be staying in my dorm at school. Hopefully this summer I can find some NY accommodations. As much as I would love to live with my parents I am 20 (well almost I will be in February) and I figured it's time to get a move on, but we'll see how that goes.

2. I Had A Huge Job Interview

I don't want to jinx myself so I won't be saying much but, I had a really great opportunity to interview at a really cool place for a really cool job that will help further my career. If I land this job it will secure my spot in the company for years to come and I will be looking forward to growing with them.  I don't find out until the end of February if I got it so fingers crossed and wish me luck!

3. I Got A New Blogging/Vlogging Camera

I haven't been posting videos in a while as my Dad and I shared a camera before. He uses it for work and lately it's' been in his possession. He was kind enough to give me another camera to blog and vlog with so I have new content coming your way hopefully within the next week, once I get settled of course.

4. I've Kept My Resolution!

Everyone knows it's more fun to break a resolution than keep it but, since mine would be so life changing to me I have kept it and have been doing so well. I've been eating so much better and have worked out nearly everyday for the last two weeks (I've had a couple rest days) and I feel amazing! My work is paying off too, I've lost 4 pounds so far!

Hope everyone is doing well and that you're having fun keeping your resolutions. Let me know if you would like to see a room tour of my dorm once I get moved in and settled! What have you all been up to lately?

--Samantha Jo xo

7 Stages Of Falling Asleep

Last night, by far, was one of the worst nights sleep I've ever had considering I did not sleep at all. Not a wink. I'm not too sure if it was my lack of sleep that I have some how ended up with a bit of delirium, but I had noticed a change in my mood, attitude, and function throughout the night and day. Everyone (I hope that I can assume everyone) has experienced a horrible nights sleep at one point or another so I'm sure we can all relate to the list I've compiled on the seven stages of falling asleep.

1. The Wind Down

The first thing we all experience is the wind down. It's super late (like 2 AM 'cause that's late for me) and we didn't even realize it. We decide it's time to go to sleep regardless of if we are tired or not but we hope that by spending some quality time on Instagram and Twitter, we will eventually crave some shut eye.

2. The Toss And Turn

We attempt this "shut eye" stuff and hope that it will convince our bodies we are tired. After about 5 minutes of pure nothing we grow restless and begin switching to different sides of the bed and flipping over pillows which lasts another 20 minutes.

3. The Sweats

And no I'm not talking about PJ bottoms. Eventually we've rolled onto every cold part of our bed and what was once the comfy warm oasis that is our blankets, comforters, and pillows suddenly becomes a sauna from hell. We kick off all blankets, socks and sometimes clothes in hopes this will be the solution to our problems.

4. The Freeze

Turns out within 10 minutes of kicking all those blankets off you find yourself shivering. Somehow the sauna turned into Antarctica and we are back to square one with our whole blankets situation.

5.  The Change of Atmosphere

At this point it's around 4 AM and there is no sign of going to sleep anytime soon. We decide that maybe turning on the TV, reading a book, even leaving our bedrooms for a while may help us fall asleep. This stage may consist of lightheadedness, yawning, hallucinations, and delirium. Somehow we manage to doze off or go through that period where we feel we are asleep but actually aren't. Once we realize that was all a sweet joke and we aren't sleeping we "wake up", either return to bed or repeat stages 2-4.

6. The Denial

It's currently 6 AM, the sun is starting to come out and the birds are chirping. We can't believe we haven't slept the entire night so, we decide to give it a go once more to try and save our sanity for the rest of the day. Throw those pillows over our heads and call it night time, 'cause it's time to finally get some sleep around here.

7. Just F*** It

This stage is more than rightfully titled. Another hour goes by and we managed to doze off for a few minutes before our internal alarm wakes us up. We are so fed up at this point; we are tired, hungry, cranky and our bladders are bursting at the seems so we just say f*** it and get up out of bed. Coffee doesn't sound half bad about now anyways. 

First Dates

First off, I can't even begin to write the words "first date" without thinking of one of my fave Blink-182 songs (it's called "First Date" if you didn't know). So now that it's stuck in my head I can begin to talk about the most awkward/fun/interesting days in anyones love life; your first date.

My friend Kristina is going on her first date with another friend of ours tomorrow and it just got me thinking of the very first date I went on with Peter, my current boyfriend. Peter and I had been in that "talking" stage for a few weeks and tbh, I wasn't keen on the idea of dating him. He asked me to be his girlfriend and I decided to give it a shot. Not out of pity but, because he was a great guy and we really enjoyed each other's company. We hadn't even gone on the date he asked me on a few days before hand (I guess you could say we did things a little backwards). There was no denying that we had the potential to be more than friends so I said hey, why not.

Before he had asked me to be his girlfriend, Peter asked me out on a date (he even got down on one knee it was so cute). When it came time for the date I was hardly even nervous; no butterflies, no crazy thoughts or worries, I just went about it casually. However, I did notice that I was subconsciously trying to impress him. I did my hair and makeup as any girl would for a first date. I even broke out my fave pair of Steve Madden heels. There's no harm in trying to dress to impress, especially on a date.

First dates can either make or break a relationship. I went in with the attitude that if it's good then this could work out, if it doesn't then whatever we don't have to move forward. That night, Peter picked me up, we went to his favorite Thai restaurant in Queens, and ate some of the best food I've ever eaten. He even took care of the bill which was so nice considering the prices. Besides all that, there was something about this first date that would change our lives.

 Peter looked extra handsome that night. He had his hair slicked back, nice button down and his signature scent cologne. His smile and those big blue eyes, ugh his eyes, sometimes I think that his eyes are the sole reason I fell for him. To this day I find myself staring at them without even saying a word. His mannerisms were so polite. He treated me like he really wanted me. I had never seen him go out of his way to impress someone before, though we had only known each other a few months. It just wasn't a side I was used to seeing. We laughed over dinner, had long talks on the car ride and he held my hand for the first time as we walked the streets of Queens. He made my heart flutter the entire time (sorry I had to be cheesy). We clicked from that point forward and it was just so effortless. I didn't want the date to end, we were having so much fun and I found myself thinking throughout the night that this could really work. I guess you can say, our first date made our relationship.

I will never forget our first date because it was the first time that made me feel anything romantic towards him. It made me sure that I made the right decision about dating him. Not only that but, it was the most pivotal moment in our relationship. If we didn't have that, I don't know if we would've made it past that first week. It just made sense. We were already good friends but, when we got romantic it was natural as well. Since our first date, Peter has been my best friend and that's something I'm sure will carry on even if we do break up. We get each other and I'm myself completely 100% with him and that is the most amazing feeling. That fact that I could be that way from day one with him was even better. Who would've known that just by going on one date, I would've started a relationship with the man I love so dearly.

Now that I've listened to this "First Date" song about 8 times while writing this, I think it's time to move on with my day as I'm currently packing for Florida. I just couldn't help but see the need to reflect on such an important day in my life. Seeing my two friends come together for their first date had me really thinking about how one first date could change two people forever, even if their relationship doesn't last forever. With that I wish Kristina good luck on her first date and that it works out for them as it worked out for me and Peter.

What are some of your favorite first date stories? Did they work out or were some just completely awful? You can either comment below or if you'd like you can email me at I love hearing your stories!

-- Samantha Jo xo

(Image via Tumblr)

Sometimes Life Doesn't Go As Planned

Today I was all set to film my Youtube video. I had my entire day planned out accordingly so I can take advantage of this lovely sun we're having here in NY (don't be fooled, it's still around 30 degrees outside). Then I woke up late. My phone didn't charge at all and went completely dead over night. By 12 PM I had just eaten breakfast and I saw my plans slipping away from me and that makes me very nervous. When I have a plan, I make sure I stick to it, no matter how long it takes me.

I came to terms with my off day and decided to work out. I did some cardio to get my day started and hopefully it would help me figure out what to do. I ended up showering, doing my hair and makeup to the nines and realizing that in about 2 hours I would have to leave to go meet my boyfriend and a few of his friends for dinner. That meant my video was a no go. 

I'm now left here blogging and reflecting realizing that no, I did not produce any work for my channel at all this week. Yet for some reason, I'm okay with that. Sometimes things don't go as planned and that is perfectly alright. I'm not glued to any one structure, no one is. I found a different way to go about my day and it was still pretty fulfilling. I feel so long as I've done something to make me feel good (in this case workout and do my makeup), then I've already done something with my day. Now it's just figuring out what to do with the rest of my 5 hours after dinner.

Tomorrow you can expect a new video up by me and if all goes well with the next couple days, a second one will be up towards the end of the week to make up for lost time. Everyday has a new meaning and lesson to learn. To not sound like a hippie, basically I learned today that I don't have to stick to a structured plan regardless if it means I don't get one of my projects done. As long as I did the important things. Not saying my YouTube isn't important but, my health means more to me and without health, I couldn't make my videos. I made sure that I at least blogged today so I wouldn't fail myself as a content creator. So yes, even though I didn't get everything done that I wanted to, I still made sure I did something with my day, and it didn't give me an anxiety attack.

-- Samantha Jo xo

Skincare Wish List

Not sure if I've made mention of this yet but I am very open about my skin history. I've had very trouble prone skin for the past couple of years (we're talking cystic acne, scarring, the works) and as of late it has been clearing up. I do use a lot of medication prescribed by a dermatologist and it has worked amazingly. I do however find my skin getting super dry and dull, so I use a lot of products not prescribed and that still work well with my medication. My routine is growing old so I've been looking into new products and here are a few I came across that I'm nearly dying to try. 

I'm always a fan of bareMinerals products. I feel they're always very good to my acne prone skin and even aid in the prevention of spots and clogged pores, things like that. They're night time skincare necessities packaged at $29 (a $83 value) includes all my faves I've tested before such as the Active Cell Renewal Night Serum, Pure Transformation Night Treatment, and Renew & Hydrate Eye Cream to ensure that your skin can rejuvenate itself overnight. My only concern is that it may be too much with my medication, but I could definitely use it from time to time.

I've heard rave reviews about these products and I have such a good feeling about them. Origins puts out great products made of natural ingredients that are great for problematic skin. Both these products include coffee bean and ginseng that work to wake up the skin and keep that healthy glow throughout the day. I could definitely see myself using this in my morning routine. The price is just right on them too, ranging from $20-$24 each. I may just head over to my nearest Origins counter after this post!

These two products from The Body Shop, another place for products made with natural ingredients and such, are perfect for acne prone skin. They're infused with tea tree oil, a natural skin clearing ingredient that fights acne and prevents it from coming back. Right now these babies are on sale for around $7 each, thats 40% off! They make for great every day use or for me, they would make a great part of my night routine. (P.S. The link says Men's but they're unisex products)

If you guys are using any of these products already, let me know how you like using them. What are some skincare products you all love?

-- Samantha Jo xo

Liars, Politics, and Stalkers: What They All Have In Common In 2015

A New Year can only mean one thing; new TV Shows. Whether your fave is coming back on-air this season or you're in the mood for something new, there is a how for everyone in the New Year. Of course I have my favorites and it's not much-- I hardly find time to watch TV these days-- but I am looking forward to my old loves coming back and some new ones to get into. Here's what I will be watching in 2015!

Pretty Little Liars

Ah yes, the classic ABCFamily hit for every teenage girl out there. I've loved it for years and now heading into my 20's, I'm still not ashamed to be absolutely in love with the show. The season premier is this Tuesday with new twists and turns in the plot (as per usual) and we get closer to finding out who the infamous 'A' is. One thing is for sure I have my snuggie and DVR ready just to be sure I don't miss one second of it.

Eye Candy

MTV seems to be looking to create a new audience this season with their new mystery staring Victoria Justice, 'Eye Candy'. They show is based on an extremely smart, geeky/techy teen who's online- dating- roommate, gains her an unwanted stalker. Of course this is all I know about the show so far but after it's premier on the 12th this month, I'm sure to be hooked. I've always been into these mystery dramas and such with gorgeous leading ladies, even if it's a flop, something tells me I'll be into it and continue to watch.

The Nightly Show with Larry Wilmore

I'm always a fan of a good political satire late night show. I'm usually never up late enough to watch any but, I may make an exception to watch the show replacing 'The Colbert Report' on Comedy Central. 'The Nightly Show with Larry Wilmore' (originally titled 'The Minority Report with Larry Wilmore') will take on the latest in pop culture and recent issues in the media in the most light hearted of ways. It was created by Jon Stewart, who put his Senior Black Correspondent, Larry Wilmore, in the spotlight bringing the black community into late night. Wilmore is known for creating the 'Bernie Mac Show', his stand up comedy, as well as his appearance in Steve Carell's 'Dinner For Schmucks'. The show is set to premier this January.

Fashion Police

With the passing of one of my idols Joan Rivers this year, there was tons of speculation on whether the show would make a return without it's leading comedic broad. The show lost it's greatest officer, but has gained a new leading lady to help make it's return on January 12. Kathy Griffin will be replacing Joan Rivers this season and I'm still not sure how to feel. The E! Network I'm sure thought very long and hard about the decision, so I'm trusting them to make the show live up to Joan's expectations. I will be watching with an open mind but nothing will compare to my love. Though if there were anyone that could compare to Rivers, I have to say it would be Griffin. She has the same dirty minded humor that we all loved in Joan. I'm sure it will be a success.

Teen Wolf

Though it doesn't come back on air until the summer, I couldn't be more than excited-- I just had to talk about it. 'Teen Wolf' has been another favorite of mine for years and I'm disappointed I have to wait another 6 months for the season premier. It's going to be another 2-part season as show creator, Jeff Davis, has done in the past with season 4. We even have some secrets spilled already that I'm excited to see unfold. Holland Roden, who plays Lydia on the show, stated to Hollywood Life that a main character will not return in season 5. I'm curious to see who it might be 'cause as of now I'm clueless (I think it's going to be Argent though). I'm mostly just looking forward to seeing less Stiles and Malia and more Stydia! Guess I'll just have to wait for the season 5 premier this summer!

This is my TV lineup for the first half of 2015. I'm super excited to see some old faves and maybe add some new ones to my DVR. What will you all be watching this season? 

-- Samantha Jo xo

The Song To Get You Running

This year, I've kicked off with a killer work out regime which involves tons of running and other forms of cardio. Towards the end of my workouts, I tend to get lazy and lose that rhythm I had when I started. I need something to keep me going strong and what better motivation than a sick song to run to. 

'Gold Dust' by DJ Fresh mixes that perfect blend of drum and bass that really makes you feel excited to keep going in your workout. I love me a good beat with fun, light hearted lyrics. I find that by listening to it when I start to get lazy, I put an extra pep in my step naturally, just because this song is on. My adrenaline works back up just so I can run to the pace of the song and by the end of my workout, I feel amazing that I completed it on a high note. 

The drum and bass jam is on the top of my list of new songs to jam to this year, even though it has been out for a while (like 5 years). It's never too late to start loving a good song. I just love me a good motivating song to work out to and just dance to with the girls ('cause that's what every girl does right? Dance with the girls while not at a club?).

What songs are you all listening to during your workouts? I need a new playlist this year so leave me some suggestions!

--Samantha Jo xo

My New Year's Resolution: Happy, Healthy, & Successful

As you might be able to tell from this picture, I had a great New Years Eve. I got to ring in the New Year with my boyfriend and best friend, as well as some extra company from the party and I have to say, it was great. Not too much drinking on my end (I was driving), but you don't always need tons of alcohol to have fun (trust me you don't). The night was so lovely minus some 'special guests' (every party has those right?), and I couldn't be more excited for 2015.

If you've read my previous posts, 2014 was so good to me. I think just by putting your best foot forward, you have the potential to accomplish anything. With this in mind I have officially decided my New Years Resolution.

I've never felt more confident and sure than now that this is my year to finally get in shape. Its so cliche to want to lose weight as a resolution but, this has never really been a resolution of mine, and I never took it as seriously as I am now. I am in training for the Color Run, so what better way to train than to go full throttle and get in shape. I'm going to start eating right, working out, and running towards my goal. To keep me motivated, I'll be posting some progress/update posts to ensure that I stay on track. I think the best way to track your progress is to do so publicly. I feel like it just obligates you to do well because so many people are watching/reading. 

I've been upset recently about how out of shape I am, which makes me more motivated than ever to do this. Where I could feel really down and negative about this, I'm turning this into a positive move. After all it's just going to benefit me greatly. I want to make 2015 my happiest and healthiest year, so regardless of what may happen to me career wise (which hopefully will be amazing as well), I will have the ultimate success.

I guess it's time for me to get cracking on my resolution, after all today is day 1. If you want, I'll be tracking some progress on my Instagram as well, so you can check me out there and give a follow if you'd like. I hope everyone had a great New Years Eve and you have an even better New Year. Cheers to 2015!

What's your New Years Resolution for 2015?

--Samantha Jo xo
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